As the fighting escalates in the Mid East, scandals in "The Old World" Heil Der Cheney Heil , just keep that shotgun pointed away from me ....scandals about how the RepubliKKKns scrambled and shut down phone conversations of the Democrats and being taken into court, the vote rigging in Mexico just like here, the more one contemplates the more South America is looking like a promising place to relocate to..... As Jello said " If the Communists can do it, why can't we? Throw the Bastards out and try some Real Democracy, Not by Rich People Not By Army People, Not bySons of Senators Sons of Senators Sons of Senators Sons..."
Tell me a story... a Fable.......
About time yo get two blogs.
BTW - You want to follow some politricks follow the link from my site, Heavy: Lift With Caution.
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