Should We Stay or Should We Go?
Now after listening to countless programs the past two weeks dealing with Iraq and the issue of is this a Civil War or just "Violence" that COULD turn into a Civil War.
I ask myself Just what WOULD Dumbsfeld consider A Civil War, 1000 dead per day? 10,000 dead per day? And King George keeps ranting about how if we cut and run things will get worse for our country, DUH if you idiots would have listened to the "REAL EXPERTS" you would have realized this BEFORE invading a sovereign Nation that DID NOT pose an immanent thereat to us. But what burns me up is how they continue to use sneaky taticts to keep troops in active duty for longer periods of time, and YET I ask myself " where the fuck are their kids" If this is such a just cause and a "Crusade" that needs to be fought and won, they WHY are they Not risking their lives for their country? Guess they must take after dear old dads way too much. "Duck and Dodge" is the name of the Republican Game
My Solution? Let Saddam go and say we are sorry for the "inconvenience" and that we NEED him to fix our mess we caused (after all it's not like we didn't support him when he was fighting Iran or the insurgents Iran was supplying, oh yeah I forgot the Kurds are our friends now) Folks this seem way too much like George Orwell could see into the future.
and now a shameless plug
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