Life's a Bitch..then You Die
Well let me tell you about the past couple of weeks of shit....first my computer decides to die, I loose both my memory stick and my hard drive and yes folks I lost photos and other files that were not backed up... damn like can be the shits at times, but that is the reality of the digital world we live in, a click here can produce bliss and then another click's gone make things even more painful yours truly had the pleasure of having one of my varieties of prickly pear cactus fall in my face and chest... of course this just happen to be the type with thousands of small spines and a fuckin pain in the ass to other words yo just have to they are so small to remove but hurt like hell and annoying so for the next 4 days it was pain and suffering, although it should have happened sooner as I have many a variety of cacti and so far most have been very pleasant and generous to me... guess it was pissed off for not transplanting into a larger pot sooner... so yes that learned me a good lesson....don't piss off your cacti or else pay the ultimate price, pictures to appear soon as I have lost all previous photos sorry folks....
Shit Happens Right? n_n
yep and when it happens it hurts...
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