Listen To The Worm

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Plant Poke Plant Poke

Tonight I was transfering some more of my cacti to larger pots and my fingers now feel like a pin cussion and no leather gloves do not stop the needlesfrom sticking intoyour fingers, but hey the plants appreciate the room for growth, I tell you it is so damn hard ta get good cactus mix these days so one has to turn to making your own, yes it's a pain in the ass especially for those of us that are not located in or near a desert, however I happen to be located near some gravel pits, Lake Superior, and many peat swamps so I just dig some peat, dig some sand and greavel, add some ground limestone and POOF cactus medium to make my cacti happy plants once again here is a sampling of some of my cacti I transplanted and need toyet to transplant, a few varieties of pricly pear cacti, hedehog, echinocereus,severalvariety of trichocereus, and a few others

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At 2:24 AM, Blogger Stuffed Badger said...

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At 2:27 AM, Blogger Stuffed Badger said...

Those look great but the pin cuchion effect doesn't sound so good!

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Splinkster said...

well at least mine was intentionl unlike your unfortunate accident, what can I say ... to have a cactus fetish is like my relationship with my exwife ,,, you can love it or her to death and in ithe end you get the prick....but at least after the pain is over the cactus is still with you needing attention....

At 6:27 AM, Blogger James said...

The three cacti I picked up this weekend are going to be the only actual plants I'm buying this season. The rest are being started from seed.

Trying to start a cactus from seed I've found is nearly impossible.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Splinkster said...

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At 12:17 PM, Blogger Splinkster said...

I'll retype this, so it's more clear, the trick is to get a good medium, or you can make your own, you use equal parts sand and organic matter, peat or a good potting soil and then add almost equal pumice rock and a good amount of powdered limestone and then bake to sterlize if you make your own,fill your container sprinkle seeds on surface water good and then place in a ziplock bag with a little amount of water on bottom and place in a warm sunny location but not too hot as you don't want to cook the seedlings, placing on a heating pad for seed starting really helps speed up the sprouting process but not necessary if you lack one. seeds should start to sprout within a week or two, although I still have seeds sprouting two years after I planted as you can see in the picture, how long you leave the plastic bag on the seedlings depends on how fast they grow, I leave mine on for about 6 months but sometimes take it off sooner. I know it sounds crazy using a "greenhouse effect"on cacti but that is the real trick for good germination. I'll post some pictures of some recently planted seeds that are starting to sprout.


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