Listen To The Worm

Monday, November 06, 2006


Tomorrow IS the Big day, this time around, I'm gonna bite the big Blue Bullet and vote straight Democrat Party, I know, I know, how I have bashed the bluecoats, but at this point I am so sick of the Republikkkn shit that I feel one must fight the battle now in order to regroup and fight future battles before this country becomes a fascist-totalitarian state, and for those braindead Conservatives who still support king george and royalty, they NEED to go and reread their world history, especially the rise of Hitler and the third Reich, or read Brave New World or 1984, funny how the very supporters who bashed Slick Willie and afraid the government was getting too much power, seem to have no problemo giving away our rights and freedoms today with the patriot act, but if this were the presidential election, Ralph, YOU still would get MY vote again, after all there are some principles one can Never abandon.
And as for dictators, too bad there ARE NO U.S. Parties to stand trial and be sentenced to hang, after all, Saddam didn't receive his supplies and knowledge on his own, or from Just Europe, so will this be the beginning of WWIII? the catalyst of more 911's but on larger scale? only time shall tell


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