Listen To The Worm

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rainin In Paradize

Well Clandestino Fanz it haz been rainin in paradize here and with the humidity it brings me back to an earlier time .....of treadin thru the hot steamy jungles of the Amazon..a dream come true ...perhaps if 60% of the world population could personally experience the pleasures and mysteries of a tropical rain forest then this planet would NOT be as fucked up as it is...........but so is dreams,,,,,just as the dream and lust for true and honest love...........However yours truly had a wonderful experience with some galz from the sister city of duluth.Petrozovosk(thank You for the ......well er ....I do truly hope we meet again::::::::::::::and perhaps the Splinkster will be forever a changed man) and on the flip sid of things he has a train ride with a very sexy Hott Americano Chica this weekend....well actually a date for his son the GABE AKA Mr. Suave.........buth what can I say? the kid has taste and IZ a Babe Magnet....... But to be honest......She is Hott and special..........and JACCC .............In Your Face MOFO time ta pay up and for all the listners who supported INternet Broadcasting MUcho Gracias ,Thank YOU and Thank YOU in Russian y Ukranian, (sorry i'ts too much work to translate late at night) and for the fans....The T shirts will be out soon

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ashes And Diamonds....Foe And Friend .....

We Were All Equal ...In The End, The Unite' er, Not The War Mongering Divider

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I Like WAR!!

Once again Hillary is showing her TRUE colors and the people can see the Republican hiding in Democratic disguise, want a never -ending Iraq war ,continue with hostilities against Palestinians while dumping weapons and money by the ship loads to Israel, continue with building the fire and rift with Russia and Latin America, vote Clinton, continue with favoring big business over " We The People" Vote Clinton

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