Listen To The Worm

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mission Accopmlished!!!!

Thats Folks, remember those words and the photo ops, been 5 years since Dubya told us the war was over in Iraq. So what has been accomplished since then? the Taliban is growing in Afghanastan, Osama is till taunting and threatening the World while taking tokes of his hashish. Opium production is higher than ever, Hmmm wonder why..... Iraq is in worse shape than BEFORE we invades as well as one of the most dangerous places on earth..... what about all that oil going to pay for the war and rebuilding?....... and the American economy ? ha what economy ? and look at the clowns running for office, the bitch herself, and mr. 100 year war, both beating up on Mr Obama, the one who wants to make a change from the same old same old. Well folks why listen to a greenhorn who says a freeze on gas taxes for the summer is not the solution...what does he know? after all WE NEED our cheap gas all I hear but like Mr Obama ok what about this fall? this winter? next year? we stop gas taxes even for a short period of time? then how many more bridges will be falling down? buildings collapsing? HELLO McCain Hello Bitch ...we have infrastructure in this country that need help but I guess sending our money to Iraq and Colombia to no bid contractors is more important.......Yes the Republicans really can say Mission Accomplished this time... goodbye USA.....

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Look Out Fox Here Comes ABC

After last night's Democratic Presidential Debate one would think that it was Fox propaganda Network holding the Debates, I know ABC News was substandard and a biased news organization but last night was a new low for lows. One can only guess that they must be trying to compete with Fox, as if there are not enough two faced lying so called news organizations bowing down to the neocon platter, or perhaps Ole Slick Willie and company bought off ABC and are playiiing the Republican Political Game, and as I expected Mr.Obama did not falter nor did he stoop to his rival's lows, but what surprised me as just how many idiots our country really has, yes I know we are full of backwoods dumbfucks, surburban brainfucks,and city slicker fucktards but really? this many people supporting a two faced lying bitch who thinks she should be President because of her name? and ego? WAKE UP!!!as Jim Morrison yelled many a years ago, just do the right thing and "Ditch The Bitch" What this country needs is someone who is positive, who is for looking to the future, for a new direction, for change, not the same old same old and pointing fingers but someone looking for answers and asking all of us to contribute to solving the problems . SHame on ABC trying to play Gotcha republican games as for the bitch...well that was to be expected I mean really...can you actually trust a woman who says she was ducking sniper fire that never happened, a woman who voted for the patriot act who never read the fucking thing? a woman who can be fooled by Dubya? I could post a laundry list but that would be like a republican, just do the research for your self this woman IS Special Interest and Big Money Big Time so just ditch the bitch and vote to SAVE AMerica Support Obama

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