Draft Republicans!!!

Now that the nastiness is over for a little while.... the republikkknz are a running and a hiding, and being tomorrow is a holiday and I have today off my salute to those serving being I too am a vet and served my time I think this picture is only appropriate, especially with an unjust war based on lies misinformation greed and personal vendettas, one can only hope that the day shall come and they will be posing and strutting around with president prick cheneys shot gun that err "accidentally" wounded a fellow hunter while he awaits the gallows for treason, but of course this is but a mere dream not even the dixicrats now in power have the gull to impeach and try for treason, perhaps if Martyr Wellstone were here...
I've been saying for years, what we need is a law that states any representative or president that sends us to war must ensure one of their children is on the front line.
It's amazing how quickly the world would turn peaceful or atleast the evil politrixions would stop breeding.
So what's the plan for the tix?
How's the seating?
got 2 tix I got floor instead of seats, figuring that it would not be so bad...but aftertkinging about it, perhaps seats would have been better, well I am not sure about going front stage for this one but who knows how about u?
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