Listen To The Worm

Monday, November 26, 2007


THis morning after browsing thru the world news Ithen went to sort thru emails and as usual my Huffington Post had some good story links, although No Bill Maher this time, however there was an interesting piece by Alec Baldwin.....Yes the actor, it was quite interesting to get a taste of this man's views on somethig other than Hollywood and the movie industry but one would think with the current political sitation that those in the Whitehouse seem to think they Are in a Hollywood Movie playing with the World as if it were a toy and those who make a living pretending to be different people and characters have mor talent to run a country minus Ronald Reagan.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Yes Indeed folks it's that time of year in the bad old USA where people stuff themselves stupid, while others around the world go hungry and are dying from violence and war...... yes a time to be thankful for "Black Friday" when the zombies go crazy and literally fight over "thneeds" at prices so ridiculous to believe only to get the sheep into the stores and find out that there are only ten $150.00 dvd players at $20.00available for the thousands who show up. I mean really ...people waiting in line all night into the wee hours of the morning to be the first inside the stores?..... Now I can see waiting in line all night for a music concert of your favorite artist/band... but to go shopping? Yes it is a time to be thankful that WE are NOT the ones dying in Iraq, yes we can be thankfull we still have cheap gas for our gas guzzling cars and trucks , we can be thankfull that we are eating gmo and foods pumped with growth hormones and pesticides harvested by slave labor, ah yes we need to keep India and China working while helping to contribute to the speed of Global Warming, Yes Thankful for a White house of Traitors s and Constitution Shredders, be Thankful for lighting up our yards with needless decorations and lights pumping more mercury and acid rain into the atmosphere and now for my annual ritual of listening to "A Thanksgiving Prayer" I only wonder what kind of world my son will have when he reaches my age....if there is still a world in existence.....

so how will you spend yours?..........I'll spend mine with my son and parents gratefull I am where I am and have what I have at others expense and that I am np longer totin a gun for "uncle sam"

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