Listen To The Worm

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Hugo Chavez Hero or Axis of Evil?

As the USA continues to scramble to "bring in" the Latin American Left leaning countries back to our domination Hugo Chavez continues to be a sharp thorn in the side of King George, Prick Cheney, and Pat Robertson, (speaking of Pat, I thought Christians were suppose to be a peaceful and loving group, Not call of killing a leader of another country just because of disagreements and is this freedom? what about those gold and diamond mines you own in Africa?) But I do not see the king doing very much for the common people here in the USA and for that matter the Republican party , yep even the common Lilly white folk been getting a big FUCK U by the party and it's puppet masters. As for personally affecting me? well all have had a major effect on me, my fuel prices have gone up dramatically, as well as other costs, but for many including right here in the great Midwest it is Chavez who came to the rescue NOT Bush Not Robertson (and his oil refinery) Not Coleman or the Republican Party but Mr Chavez, by his generous donations of of fuel oil to Native Americans and poor Minorities some folks in Minnesota received some free fuel oil and Lp Gas from his countries petroleum company Citgo. No strings attached, no conditions, so why is is the American oil companies continue to screw us over with their 600+% profits, Republicans vote for tax cuts for the rich and continuation of corporate welfare and yet try to label a man who took control of his countries resources and nationalized them, last time I checked a countries resource was supposed ta be part of their national security so one Does NOT have to go to war over such matters, so on the one hand it is ok to let resources funnel out of your country to make profits and at the same time raid other countries of the very same thing, But what can one expect from a country who's symbol is a bird of prey and scavenger, I mean really what kind of country would we be if ole Ben Franklin had is way and we had the good ole American Turkey? so Mr Chavez this Cachasa shot is for you and perhaps there shall be a birth of economic trade between the tribes of the USA and your country that will benefit all the middle class and poor of both countries, while we are at it, why stop there? When is there going to be some real attempts for trade with Palestine and Lebanon?


At 12:01 AM, Blogger Toccata said...

Good rant! I remember when Pat called for the killing of Chavez. It was one of those times when you think, "God, I hope you're drunk!"

At 4:29 PM, Blogger justacoolcat said...

At 4:30 PM, Blogger justacoolcat said...

Try THis

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Splinkster said...

tocc, well I am sure him being a billionare-so-called "reverend" he is bombed out of his gourd on wine,

and for the cat, this vid is priceless, and I thought I was already having a great night, some inside music info from my contacts, got 10% off my new vid camera because they were out of stock and would take a few days ta get more in, so the girl sold me the demo model, got my multizone dvd player in the mail today and am chillin to GNR Chinese Demoracy, FNM, and Manu all live of course, and the quality is actually pretty good and audio is great, so I'll pop another tecate and get another fix of Chinese Demoracy


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