Listen To The Worm

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tortuga on a Walkabout

It all started out a great morning yesterday finding a CD that I have been searching for during the past year in my clutter of CD's, so I stick it aside so as not to loose it again and listen to it later after a round of mini golf with my son, then a spin over to Soup-Town for a boat ride only to have "missed the boat". So we settled for the whaleback Ship tour, picked up a snazzy pirate t-shirt with necklace for my son (only 1 shirt left and it fit my son, so I missed out) then return home. I decided I wanted to throw in the CD and guess what, nowhere to be found. I searched and searched to no avail. Then this morning when I went out to feed hit turtles I noticed the cage was not locked and minus 1 turtle, now whether this was carelessness on my part of not checking the cage after feeding them yesterday or a sneak raid by the neighbor kids coming over when we were gone to "sneak a peek" and their due to their negligence they left it open. Anyhow after endlessly searching the yard and sneaking into the neighbors there was no such luck. So my suspicion is the Turtle decided that it was time to go on a "walkabout, er a crawl about" and listen to some tunes along the way.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Treading blistering heat, a mother and an anunt clucking like chickenspushy tourists in a hurry to fill their bags with thneeds, what an adventure, yep I am sure you have had the same experience, some small town cashing in on tourisum with shops peddling cool hip t-shirts with wacked out sayings, the prank cards and trinkets you give to relatives you dislike, or the never ending battle of "I gotya" at birthdays and X-mas parties, pottery shops, spice and food shops, and of course cheese, what would Wisconsin be without cheese shops? The higlight of the trip? Why the National Natural Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame Museum, Yep thats right, ( the logging days contest is this weekend) http:// The Fishing Museum was actually pretty cool after all where could you see an albino catfish caught back in the 30's ?
or a devil fish? if you are into Boat Motors chances are you will find heaven, "Yep thye got the best damn collection of boat motors this side of the Pacific"

For children there are the fish swings fish tetertotters....remember those as kids and jumping off on the other person? and of course fishing , the downside is the fish are too small to keep, but great fun for the kids....whatever their age, after several unsuccessful attempts my son talked me into fishing for him and after several successful landings I "retired" due to complaining children and ticked off parents with no luck I figured I better quit befor I was on the hook next. All in all Hayward is a decent stop and close to the ever elusive Al Capone Hideout which I have yet to make it to. I feel this IS the year to finally make the pilgramage, but in style of course, the only problem is finding a Fedora or a Derby that fits a 4 year old. So how does a Pink Taco fit into this? and NO you perverts I am not talking about a woman's anatomy, althought there were a few cuties there, I was hungry for Tacos and the Pink Taco kept popping into my head so I ended up settling for a Taco Salad, with Wisconsin Chese of course.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bandit Monkeys breaking into homes, kangaroos ditching their caretakers while on a walk and going on a walkabout in Ireland what a Wild World we live in, as I slacked early this morning and ditched work for 3 hours and watered my garden then reported in my mind was spinning with thoughts of where I was 10 years ago today...... In the heartland of an old foe, yep right in the heart of Red Territory, aka the former Soviet Union to be more precise Russia, the small village of Cnopot near the Ukrainian/Russian Border, it is hard to believe that it has been 10 years, it seems like yesterday, except everything I receive a letter or email for a young woman I met when she was just a girl 9 years old who walked up to me on my last day in the village and began speaking English, she invited me to her grandmothers house for dinner but I told her we had to leave that day for Moscow, she had a sad look and about to cry, but settled for milk and cookies, she showed me her dolls and clothes she and her mother sewed for them, actually quite fashionable, and since they didn't have any walmarts or targest to buy doll clothes they made due with what they had, over the years we have exchanged letters and photos and kept up on happenings in Bryansk and Cnopot, her brother growing up and most recently her boyfriend and my marriage coming to an end, I feel the longing to return to Cnopot, the village that Moscow and God forgot as the locals call it, I sometimes wonder if would still would receive a welcome and generosity as I received when I was there 10 years ago, after all being the first Westerner er former enemy in that part of the country was a Big Deal, but with Iraq, WTO/G-8 and all, I wonder if the villagers would still be so eager to marry me off to a daughter,granddaughter,niece, or younger sister and build me a house as offered before? I wonder if Vladimir is still the most respected man even over the mayor/commissioner, the position he turned down several times. Or if anyone is living in Elizabeth run down log house. The 83 year old woman I stayed with during my stay who would haul and chop her own firewood, weed her garden which would tide her over till the next year herself, walk her pigs every day and rise at 5 in the morning to cook them a hot meal, and make me drink 3-6 shots of homemade vodka every night with her for our meal, and with all the work needed to be done this woman was the religious /spiritual leader of the village, I envy this woman who had energy of a 35 year old woman, I think of elderly in our country and most of them at that age are laid up in a nursing home, but not Elizabeth, those were good times sun setting at 1:30 in the morning and taking motorcycle rides with the country Mafia shooting AK-47's the real thing folks not AKS while downing shots and listening to music and talking politics and life. The last I heard was Elizabeth passed on and I wonder where she was buried in the cemetery and who picked up her chores, is her house still standing? Or vacant? And what of my Mafia compadres? Are they alive? In jail? Or millionaires now? And what if I took them up on their business offer? ah tomorrow is another day and more plants to water perhaps I shall return to Cnopot and see Marina, and meet her boyfriend and have a picnic at Elizabeth's grave, and leave some shot for her, I know she would be smiling down ont this sought...............

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

As the conflict in Lebanon continues, body count continues to rise as the Israelis destroy all in their path one has to wonder if this is a plan concocted by the US and Israel to provoke action by Iran and or Syria so that King George and President Prick Cheney can expand the war boundaries from Iran to even a bigger "theater" , now this term is one that has always annoyed me, calling the battlefield a theater, as in watching a film or going to see a play, while body parts fly in all directions, leaving families to mourn, children to grow up never knowing a mother or father, a child never able to grow up to an adult, but always justified by the winner as necessary and a well deserved sacrifice.

I can picture it now, "Iranian Red Guards found fighting along side Hezbollah, along with Iraqis training to fight the US, so it was necessary to bomb Tehran, and as a precautionary measure we are sending in ground troops to assist the Israelis as they chase Hezbollah into Iran" or maybe someting on the lines like this, "Syrian naval vessels fired on a US Destroyer, so in defense the US sank 3 Syrian Ships and began bombing strategic targets like power stations, water and sewer facilities, bridges, dams and hospital's, er so sorry that was an accident"

Monday, July 17, 2006

After a Hot Blistering weekend of eating fruit Popsicles, drinking fresh squeezed lemonade and shooting off fireworks with my son it is time for a rest and back to work.

Friday, July 14, 2006

As the fighting escalates in the Mid East, scandals in "The Old World" Heil Der Cheney Heil , just keep that shotgun pointed away from me ....scandals about how the RepubliKKKns scrambled and shut down phone conversations of the Democrats and being taken into court, the vote rigging in Mexico just like here, the more one contemplates the more South America is looking like a promising place to relocate to..... As Jello said " If the Communists can do it, why can't we? Throw the Bastards out and try some Real Democracy, Not by Rich People Not By Army People, Not bySons of Senators Sons of Senators Sons of Senators Sons..."

Tell me a story... a Fable.......

Thursday, July 13, 2006

As the worm turns bridges bombed bodies burn and once again organized religion shows it's true colors in the Middle East, King George is living it up in East Germany and President Prick Cheney continues to lash out at Slick Willie, What is all the fuss about North Korea? when the World turns a blind eye on India and their Long Range Missile Program? Hmmm Oh God of Grind Oh God of Grind ,How Large Their Armies How Small Their Mind