Listen To The Worm

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ass Hole

Tonight while I was working out in the yard the people across the street a few houses down once again were shooting fireworks off and over my head again and into my yard, now I am one to love fireworks and do not like ruining any body's fun but to have these people shoot them off over your head and into your yard one too many times , especially when you have a 6 year old son and the neighbors have grandchildren.... so tonight I waled over and told them bluntly they needed to stop the bullshit, after the words fell from my mouth I realized the husband, wife and daughter were not playing with a full deck, and after returning home I felt like I was the guilty party, I was the one in the wrong, why is it when-ever you are dealing with those who are not on the same level as you and just seem to not have a clue and are "not quite there" you feel such guilt even though they are oblivious as to what is going around them or the state they live in?..... I sometimes contemplate such situations... Is it better to be aware of what's going on and feel such misery and sorrow or is it better to be ignorant and blind as to what the reality really is? it is at times that I do stop and question as to why I did return back here and hear JACC say as he always does' Dude I can't believe you ended up back there of all places, especially with all the places you have been and seen and places you lived....." as Mudhoney sings Misery Loves Company and That's Why I Love You...Wait A Minute ...I believe that was Green River....Well back to my point, I felt like shit afterwards for a while then the good old reality hit me as Hendrix blasted from my iPod Boombox that " ignorant is bliss " so now I feel better I don't feel guilty and now it's time to relax to some Eliades Ocho

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At 1:38 AM, Blogger Megan said...

What can you do? Nothing you can do except watch their eyes glaze over as you try to explain it...

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Splinkster said...

well I don't feel any remorse or regret today after all ignorance is bliss


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