Listen To The Worm

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Life's a Bitch..then You Die

Well let me tell you about the past couple of weeks of shit....first my computer decides to die, I loose both my memory stick and my hard drive and yes folks I lost photos and other files that were not backed up... damn like can be the shits at times, but that is the reality of the digital world we live in, a click here can produce bliss and then another click's gone make things even more painful yours truly had the pleasure of having one of my varieties of prickly pear cactus fall in my face and chest... of course this just happen to be the type with thousands of small spines and a fuckin pain in the ass to other words yo just have to they are so small to remove but hurt like hell and annoying so for the next 4 days it was pain and suffering, although it should have happened sooner as I have many a variety of cacti and so far most have been very pleasant and generous to me... guess it was pissed off for not transplanting into a larger pot sooner... so yes that learned me a good lesson....don't piss off your cacti or else pay the ultimate price, pictures to appear soon as I have lost all previous photos sorry folks....

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Jamz

This is my back from the dead Jamz as my computer crashed and ended up replacing the hard drive and memory stick, and lots of work to do as I lost my entire music and photo library, and so now it's time to start from new....

Future Revlation-The Duel
Peligro-Mano Negra
Black Cat- Ladytron
Hippy Dance-Hillbilly Hellcats
Shout-Donna Lewis
Echoes-Pink Floyd
Angel-Massive Attack
Pueblo Nuevo-Eliades Ocho
Radio Stars-Kraftwerk
So Like A Rose-Garbage Live France 2002

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Damn those Mosquitos

Last year was on the dry side but this year has been very wet and the fucking mosquitos are the size of ravens this year and out for blood, so if youré a vampyre, you have some competition this season...... James forced me to watch Office Space(the Bastage) this afternoon after his story about wannabe gangbangers,,,,,good thing they are just wannabe's as I just finished working on a house of some wannabe native mob fucks who were evicted because they shot up the neighbors house just because she told them to "go fuck off"and leave her cousin yeah this is the real thing respect for life or property...but anyhow I did go back after the movie and finish transplanting those seedlings in an eariler photo,,, and managed to keep the pricks to a minimum this time, good thing Trichocereus Pachanoi and T. Peruviana are easy to work with while young, but once the peruvianas get older then watch out as they have very long sharp spines that hurt like hell. I also transplanted some Amaranth seedlings, some dill and some of my heirloom bean seeds, now its almost time for bed as I am beat......but never too tired to rock out for a while and I have 3 cd's that came in the mail today to review and if they cut the mustard to make the playlist for Radio Clandestino.

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Saturday Gardening the Final Chapter

Here I have some varigated maize that also produced a black seeded popcorn or you could say a black seeded popcorn that happens to produce varigated leaves on the plants, a very beautiful plant to grow as just an ornamental besides for fresh popcorn. The other picture is of my greens mix consisting of various lettuces,spinach,kales and radishes some for me and my son some for his pet rabbit the fertilizer producer for the plants......

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Saturday Gardening Part Three

I have procured some seeds from Ecuador for this variety of squash that I will be testing this year, the other photo is of some morning glory seeds from Japan,

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Saturday Gardening Part Two

This is a pea that was originally collected from a Greek Island found growing wild near some ancient ruins and was originally cultivated for food, I use it as a soup pea, the flowers are very stunning and different from your normal garden pea.It makes a wonderful ornamental for the flower effect alone.

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Saturday gardening

Here are a few pictures of some of my plants I am growing this year this photo is of the "primitive Stoneage Wheat", yes folks this is an ancient variety of wheat that our modernday wheat came from, and small grains that are a bit hard to winnow or husk unlike the modern larger grain and easier to husk and winnow strains future pictures to come

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Plant Poke Plant Poke

Tonight I was transfering some more of my cacti to larger pots and my fingers now feel like a pin cussion and no leather gloves do not stop the needlesfrom sticking intoyour fingers, but hey the plants appreciate the room for growth, I tell you it is so damn hard ta get good cactus mix these days so one has to turn to making your own, yes it's a pain in the ass especially for those of us that are not located in or near a desert, however I happen to be located near some gravel pits, Lake Superior, and many peat swamps so I just dig some peat, dig some sand and greavel, add some ground limestone and POOF cactus medium to make my cacti happy plants once again here is a sampling of some of my cacti I transplanted and need toyet to transplant, a few varieties of pricly pear cacti, hedehog, echinocereus,severalvariety of trichocereus, and a few others

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

transplanting,Loss of First tooth,Zoo Walk Fire & Marshmalos

Yesterday was quite the busy day,transplanted some baby seedling cacti, cut the grass, took a trip to the lake Superior Zoo(aka Duluth Zoo) but was quite dissappointing as many of the cages were empty and as was recenly stated in local news it appears the city is turning management over to the National Zoological Society to take over management duties and try to turn the failing program into a moneymaking thriving enterprise once again. I picked up some more small pots to transplant some more seedlings and then visited Cornel Sanders for some chicken. We returned home and worked outside in the yard then it was time for a fire and a few fireworks, and then time for bed and to await the "tooth Fairy". The Gabester woke today to find he received $5 for his tooth. Today was spent doing a little house cleaning and lots of relaxing and lying around,doing some musicx reviews and updating my playlist with new submissions. tomorrow it's back to the grind, but on the bright side a 3 day work week and 3 days off, Damn I'm gonna like there 4 day work weeks this summer.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008



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